
This multimillion-dollar software integrator came to 5280 Accelerator because they felt they were being “out-marketed” by their competitors. They saw their marketing efforts as scattered and were unable to gauge which were effective or determine how to focus them. Our team started at the beginning – with a Marketing Plan.


  • We showed them how their client mix would need to shift based on client size, and that the number of clients in each revenue category needed to meet their target of triple revenue growth in five years.
  • We analyzed and ranked their competition based on Internet search results and how each presented themselves from a prospect’s point of view. With this insight, we defined the client’s unique differentiators and aligned those with a clear brand story to set their company apart.
  • What proved to be the most critical component was our SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Shortly after presenting the completed Marketing Plan, one of the Threats we posed became a reality. Since this threat had been uncovered during the planning process, we were able to pivot quickly and modify our tactical rollout to proactively address this new development as an opportunity rather than a liability.


This company gained not only their marketing road map, but the ability to edge out the competition during a pivotal market shift. Due to 5280 Accelerator’s thorough and thoughtful SWOT analysis, the client was able to strike quickly to position themselves advantageously when a potential Threat came a reality.

While it may be tempting to focus immediately on tactics, it rarely pays off. Taking a disciplined approach by first developing a comprehensive Marketing Plan equipped this company to be ready to capitalize on a development within their market. An accurate picture of their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats enabled the 5280 team to quickly respond with flexible tactics that will meet the client’s new demands and produce measurable results.