A concrete repair and waterproofing company is growing and focusing their attention on establishing and maintaining solid relationships with prospects, clients, and vendors. Sales had predominantly been made through ongoing relationship-building yet there was no consistent way of keeping track of conversations or documenting next steps.


  • 5280 Accelerator helped the client uncover gaps in customer data and determine what information was needed to build relationships.
  • We developed a call script and sales meeting script, outlining how to gather missing information conversationally.
  • After understanding what data needed to be captured, we evaluated 3 CRM tools and proposed the one that would work best for the client’s needs.
  • In two short weeks, we set up the CRM tool with the sales funnel, organized contacts in logical groups, uploaded the customer data from the working spreadsheet, and trained the staff.
  • We helped the client create a structured weekly sales meeting format using the CRM tool.

Inconsistent customer touches have been replaced with a repeatable, tracked process where anyone can know any customer’s status at any time. Their new CRM system has enabled the client to consistently track who contacted whom, the new information they learned, and consistently rank any leads uncovered. As a result of the internal sales meeting process 5280 Accelerator helped implement, the client has a quick, productive meeting format and tool they use to share information, eliminating silos of knowledge. Further, this process and practice was able to clarify the best people to handle sales and their roles.