
In the disrupted market of 2020, an entrepreneur was ready to launch a new company as quickly as possible. 5280 Accelerator partnered with them to develop a strategic marketing plan, complete with messaging, target audience definition and competitive analysis so they were armed with a playbook to launch their company and go to market in one month!


  • 5280 Accelerator developed a well thought out strategic marketing plan that unified the new company’s vision, mission, tagline and goals.
  • The plan provided a clear view of the target audience, their pain points, desires, and how to best communicate with them.
  • Strategic Priorities were outlined and the product, packaging and pricing were defined.
  • An assessment of the competition was performed, and key differentiators, a unique value proposition, and differentiation statement were developed to set the new company apart in the marketplace.
  • A SWOT analysis identified areas that needed attention to accelerate company growth.
  • Strategic Marketing Objectives were outlined, accompanied by a specific 90-day tactical timeline and KPIs applicable to measuring results.
  • A Sales Process and sales channels were recommended to quickly maximize return on investment.

In 25 business days, 5280 Accelerator provided a comprehensive strategic and tactical plan – everything our client needed to bring the new company to market. The owner said, “Thank you so much for your strategy and proposal. I love working with you. I am excited to execute on the strategy you so clearly developed,” and she was off and running, bringing her vision to life!