I’m a big believer in living a life on purpose. You’ve undoubtedly heard all the clichés before:
- You’ve only got one life, make it count.
- Live the life of your dreams!
- Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
While these may seem trite because of their overuse, and seemingly disconnected from the real issues we face every day, imagine if you really could build the life you’ve always wanted to live?
Imagine if you could start that today.
Perhaps you’ve been on a hamster wheel for most of your adult life. Maybe you started a family young and you’ve had to hold down a steady job that you don’t love in order to pay the mortgage and put food on the table.
Or, you ventured into starting your own business, fueled initially by the desire to have some flexibility in your day and perhaps, one day, become a multi-millionaire. Lately, that dream seems to be even more out of reach than ever, you’ve become mired in the details of running your company, and you don’t know how to get to the next level.
One thing we can all say with 100% certainty, regardless of our religious, spiritual, or scientific beliefs, is that our days are numbered here on earth. While this may all sound extremely grim (especially coming from me, Mrs. Rose Colored Glasses), it’s actually a wakeup call.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama says that the purpose of life is happiness. So, the questions I ask you are these: Are you happy? Are you living your days in ways that bring you joy, happiness, contentment, and purpose?
If you aren’t, how would you go about making that happen?
Perhaps a great way to start the process is to first understand what brings you joy. What are your dreams? How would you love to live your life every day? When you lead with these values, it can help propel and refine your goals so that you can take steps to getting there.
This is where we begin in the new program I’ve created for business owners. The 90-Day Agile Accelerator program is for people who want to make their dreams happen, in their businesses and in their lives. If you want to talk about how this might work for you, set up a complimentary discovery call and let’s see if this is the path you’re ready for, too! Then, you can begin living your days on the earth the way they were meant to be lived.