The old adage goes: it’s all about who you know. If you’ve owned a business for any length of time, you’ve seen this play out time and again and understand that networking is invaluable. While marketing gets the name of your company top-of-mind, networking puts the face of your company in front of those who are in need of your services – or those who know others in need of your services. It literally grows your circle of influence.

Done well, it becomes possible for you to build a tribe of power partners – true business “Influencers” who support one another with advice, resources, support, and introductions. These people are likely to become your best referral sources – much like your “boots on the ground” sales force – dare we say, your Dream Team.

The power behind having a referral partner strategy is far-reaching. Not only can it create new opportunities for you to build your own business, it can provide you with valuable connections outside of your area of expertise to whom you can refer business. This makes you a trusted advisor to your own clients, since you have credible, reliable resources you can point them to when there is a need.

This Dream Team serves as a salesforce without headcount. As such, it should be built with intention, and nurtured with purpose. These are the people in your circles of influence who are having conversations with the very same companies with whom you want to do business, and can become a significant revenue-generating source for your company. Start with these four, simple actions to shift your Dream Team influencer strategy into high gear.

Four Actions to Put a Dream Team to Work

Like anything else, having a good plan and following through with it is the best way to approach building and nurturing a Dream Team of influencers. Here are four actions to consider as you find yours:

1. Create Your List.

Being involved in networking groups is so much more than showing up for a breakfast meeting and then going about your day once it’s over. When you’re intentional about who you’d like on your team, you can begin to build trusted relationships with those people.

For example, if you provide executive leadership/coaching services, your “Dream Team List” might include a list of business owners in accounting/finance, marketing, sales, process development, IT, and commercial real estate, as these would likely be the areas of expertise your clients might need beyond what you offer. In turn, by nurturing your relationships with these types of businesses, you can build your own sales funnel and opportunities for new business through their networks.

Start out small, with a list of five to ten people, so you are able to nurture those relationships well. Keep track of conversations on a spreadsheet, in your phone notes, or better yet, in your CRM. Document their business services, needs they have expressed, introductions they’ve made to you and vice versa. You can even make note of birthdays, number of kids, name of their spouse, and hobbies.

2. Stay Top of Mind.

Create a process by which you check in with your influencers on a regular basis. Beyond the regular networking meeting you attend with them, make a point of reaching out at least once monthly to:

    • See how their business is going.
    • Provide updates to your offerings.
    • Brainstorm if there are any ways to collaborate with clients.
    • Ask for referrals if you hear of a client of theirs who might be struggling with an issue that’s in your wheelhouse.
    • Provide referrals when your client needs a resource.
    • Remind them of what they should listen for when a client has a pain point that aligns with the services you offer.
    • Ask them specifically what you can help them with.

3. Genuinely Care.

Even the most thoughtful person forgets to say thank you every once in a while. A formal process of appreciation keeps it simple. Consider these easy steps:

      • When a referral is provided, give your referral partner a call to thank them and to see what they need/how you can return the favor. Remember, it’s not all about you. Seek to understand their needs and be listening in your networking circles for opportunities for your influencer network.
      • When a client is won from that referral, send a hand-written thank you note. Written cards are a rarity and they are very much appreciated. If your business model can support it, consider sending a $50, $75 or $100 gift card to their favorite restaurant or golf course, which takes the art of appreciation to a memorable level.
      • Once you’ve been working with the client for 90 days, provide some feedback to your referral partner. This not only keeps you top of mind, but reminds them what types of clients are a good fit for you.

4. Delight Your Customers

It goes without saying, but when someone refers your business to another, they expect you’ll roll out the red carpet and take great care of them! Clients talk, and when they are thanking your referral partner for the recommendation, more are bound to come your way.

We are incredibly grateful to our own Dream Team of influencers. These individuals have been an invaluable part of growing 5280 Accelerator, and we are pleased to partner with some amazing companies in a variety of disciplines. Reach out if you should need resources when growing your own business — we probably know an excellent company that can help!