I’m writing this on the first day of Spring – one of my favorite days of the year. It represents newness, awakening, and growth. Recently, I experienced the excitement that springtime brings through the eyes of my 3-year-old granddaughter when I took her to see the baby chicks at a local farm store. When we first stepped into the store, the incessant chirps of the little creatures led us right to them. She was in awe of how cute they were – cheeping and peeping and drawing us in to touch their downy fluff.

Approaching your business with this sense of newness and awe can sometimes prove to be a difficult task for small business owners. With so many balls in the air, so many responsibilities to employees and customers, and the weight of the company’s success all on your shoulders, the ability to see your business as you did when you first started it may seem less like awe and more like a chore.

In my 20+ years as a business owner, I know this feeling all too well, but have recently been reminded that a sense of awe and wonder for your business can lead to some pretty amazing insights and joy. Here are a few simple tips you can implement today to give yourself a fresh start.

Tip 1: Take a Vacation.

There is nothing like getting away from your business for an extended period of time to reset your energy level. Getting out of your normal daily routine and exploring new places is like nothing else I’ve done to rejuvenate and recharge.

I recently got back from 10 days in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and fortunately, have a team back at home that handled the business in my absence without a hitch. Checking in once or twice during the trip allowed me to stay connected without being pulled in, and I was able to enjoy things I can’t do in Colorado – like snorkel with the turtles and listen to the crashing waves while my toes dig in the sand.

Once home, I’ve been able to re-live the beautiful moments of my time away without regret. Having those mental pictures and feelings of a much-needed and well-used time off enables me to stay grounded in my work. This is because I’ve allowed myself the luxury and self-care that comes with getting away for a while. Turn your “someday” into today and get a trip on your calendar.

Tip 2: Build Routine into Your Morning.

While on vacation I found a book in my Kindle library that one of my Mastermind colleagues had recommended years ago, called The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma. It is a story about how two everyday people transformed their lives through a revolutionary morning routine that maximizes productivity and brings happiness and joy into each day. For me, an early morning routine is essential to kick-start my day, and now, having one that combines exercise, spirituality, and learning is one that I have found to be particularly beneficial.

As the leader of your company, what you bring to the table every day is essential to your overall success. Being mindful and intentional about how you spend your morning – and the remainder of your day – can make all the difference. Even if you choose not to get up at 5AM, the book is an easy read and well worth it to get your juices flowing.

Tip 3: Schedule a Regular Planning Day

The most successful leaders take time regularly to sit back and plan. One member of my Mastermind group recently started bringing this practice into his business. Two years ago, he was all over the map – business was good but he was running like a chicken without a head, answering to all of the issues instead of letting his people take care of business, and losing profit.

Today, he has become a confident leader, in part because of his ability to step back and look at the bigger picture. He builds a regular planning day into each month where he gets away from the office to dream and plan. This grounds him and allows him to see the bigger picture more clearly so that he can implement the most critical items that need addressing in order to keep his company on the right path. The company has increased their revenues two-fold over the last couple of years and are profitable because of this shift.

Your Next Steps

What’s stopping you from making a fresh start? It’s likely that you’re working more “in” your business than “on” it which is the curse of the entrepreneur. But, you can overcome this challenge by putting a few strategic, thoughtful, and intentional practices in place that will surely catapult you and your company to the next level.

The same is true with how you market your company. Being intentional about who you serve, how you serve them, and the repeated execution of consistent messaging goes a long way towards getting to the top of your game.

We help companies get a fresh start by helping them see the forest and the trees – what’s working and not working in your marketing outreach – and then implementing a plan that gets results. We’d welcome the opportunity to help you take your company to the next level.